59the control is defective. If the meter reads line toline voltage (240 VAC) the broil element or the wiringto the broil element is defective. Go to step 2.2. Remove the back from the range to gain access tothe terminals of the broil element. Program the ovencontrol for broil and measure the voltage drop acrossthe terminals of the broil element. If the meter readsline to line voltage (240VAC) the element is defective.If the meter reads zero the wiring to the element isopen.Oven door does not lock when the oven is pro-grammed for clean:1. Remove power from the range and go to the backof the oven control. Remove the 15 pin plug andwith the oven door closed measure the resistancebetween pins 5 and 6 in the plug. If the meterreads around 2400 Ohms the control is defective.If the meter reads open go to step 2.2. Remove the rear cover from the range andmeasure the resistance of the lock motor. If themeter reads open the motor is defective. If themeter reads around 2400 Ohms go to step 3.3. Remove the right-hand bodyside and measure theresistance between terminals NO and C of thedoor switch with the door closed. If the meterreads infinity the door switch is defective. If themeter reads zero go to step 4.4. Measure the resistance between pins 9 and 11 ofthe 15 pin plug. If the meter reads infinity the lockswitch is defective. If the meter reads zeroreplace the control.Oven door locks when the oven is programmedfor clean but the oven does not heat:1. If the oven operates normally in bake, replace thecontrol.Lock motor runs continuously:1. With the door in the unlock position, remove powerfrom the range. Go to the back of the control anddisconnect the 15 pin plug from the control. With anOhmmeter measure the resistance between pins 9and 10 of the 15 pin plug (not on the EOC). If themeter reads zero the lock switch or the wiring to thelock switch is defective. If the meter reads infinitygo to step 2.2. Depress the arm of the lock switch, and measurethe resistance between pins 9 and 10 of the 15 pinplug. If the meter reads infinity the lock switch orthe wiring to the lock switch is defective. If the meterreads zero the control is defective.Door latch is partly closed with door open, cannotclose door:1. Program the oven for self-clean, remove theright-hand side panel and hold the oven doorswitch closed, the latch mechanism should rotateclose. After 30 seconds touch clear and the latchmechanism should rotate open.Fan in oven does not run when speed bake switchis turned on:1. Program the oven for clean. If the door does notlock check the door switch. If the door locks touchclear and allow the door to unlock and go to step 2.2. Go to the back of the speed bake switch, with theswitch in the on position measure the voltage dropbetween each terminal of the switch and neutral. Ifno voltage is shown from either terminal the wirebetween the P7 terminal of the oven control andthe switch is open. If voltage is present on oneterminal but not the other the switch is defective. Ifvoltage is present on both terminals the motor orthe wiring to the motor is defective.