15QUICK REFERENCE SHEET1. Serial number breakdown2. Oven sensor resistance chart3. Surface element resistance4. Oven elements5. Schematic codesRTD SCALETemperature Degrees F. Resistance (Ohms)32 +/- 1.9 1000 +/- 4.075 +/- 2.5 1091 +/- 5.3250 +/- 4.4 1453 +/- 8.9350 +/- 5.4 1654 +/- 10.8450 +/- 6.9 1852 +/- 13.5550 +/- 8.2 2047 +/- 15.8650 +/- 9.6 2237 +/- 18.5900 +/- 13.6 2697 +/- 24.4The wattage rating is stamped on the element. To deter-mine the resistance divide the wattage by the voltagerating on the element (either 240 or 120) to obtain theamperage. Then divide the amperage into the voltagerating to obtain the resistance. If for some reason youcannot find the wattage rating, as a general rule mostelement’s resistance will be between 15 and 45 Ohms.Bake elements Watts Ohms2400 243000 19.23400 16.9Broil element 2750 20.8Convection 350 41elements 2500 23SW = SwitchO. C. = Oven ControlS. S. = Selector SwitchS. T. = Safety ThermostatR. F. = Right FrontR. R. = Right RearL. F. = Left FrontL. R. = Left RearS. L. S. = Surface Lamp SwitchO. L. S. = Oven Lamp SwitchP. L. = Pilot LightA. D. S. = Auto Door SwitchT. P. = Thermal ProtectorSM. T. = Smooth TopQBF = Quick Bake FanQB SW. = Quick Bake SwitchDLB = Double Line BreakDR LAT MTR = Door Latch MotorN F 1 2 3 1 8 4 7 5Incremented unit numberProduction weekLast digit of production yearProduct identificationManufacturing Facility