Locating WLAN DevicesD-Link Unified Wired and Wireless Access SystemOct. 2015 Page 656D-Link UWS User ManualCommand ButtonsThe page includes the following buttons:• Count Search APs—Recalculates the number of Locator APs. Modifying the building number, floornumber, or inclusion of operational mode radios can change the number of APs that participate in thesearch.• Start Search—Initiates the On-Demand Location process.• Refresh—Updates the page with the latest information.On-Demand Location Trigger StatusUse the page available from the On-Demand Location Trigger Status link to view the results of the On-DemandLocation process.On-Demand Location Trigger Global StatusUse the On-Demand Location Trigger Global Status page to view the results of the most recent On-DemandLocation procedure. The status information is read-only and is updated by the Cluster Controller after thelocation procedure completes.Figure 413: On-Demand Location Trigger Global Status