AP ManagementD-Link Unified Wired and Wireless Access SystemOct. 2015 Page 592D-Link UWS User ManualFigure 378: AP Provisioning Status—DetailThe following table shows the fields available on the AP Provisioning Status page.Table 347: AP Provisioning StatusField DescriptionIP Address IP Address of the AP.Time Since Last Update Time since any information has been received from this access point.Primary IP Address The IP address of the primary provisioned switch as reported by theAP.Backup IP Address The IP address of the backup provisioned switch as reported by the AP.Mutual Authentication Mode Shows whether the Mutual Authentication mode is currently enabled.Unmanaged AP Reprovisioning Mode The configured re-provisioning mode in the AP, which is one of thefollowing:• Enable—The AP can be reprovisioned when it is not managed.• Disable—The AP cannot be reprovisioned when it is not managed.AP Provisioning Status Status of the most recently issued AP provisioning command, which isone of the following:• Not Started—Provisioning has not been done for this AP.• Success—Provisioning finished successfully for this switch. The APProvisioning Status Table should reflect the latest provisioningconfiguration.• In Progress—Provisioning is executing for this AP.• Invalid Switch IP Address—Either primary or backup switch IPaddress is not in the cluster or the mutual authentication mode isenabled and the primary switch IP address is not specified.• Provisioning Rejected—AP is not managed and is configured not toaccept provisioning data in unmanaged mode.• Timed Out—The last provisioning request timed out.