9214:Upper frequency limit reached.ON:Running frequency reaches the upper limitingfrequency.15:Lower frequency limit reached.ON:Running frequency reaches the lower limitingfrequency.16:Ready.ON:Inverter is ready (no fault, power is ON).17:FDT2 reached.Please refer to description of F8.18,F8.19.18:AI1>AI219:AI1>F8.2920:AI1>F8.3021:AI1 is between F8.29 and F8.3022:PID discconection23:Overcurrent output(Running current>F8.33)Code Name Setting RangeF6.06 HDO function selection 0~10【0】F6.07 AO1 function selection 0~10【1】F6.08 AO2 function selection 0~10【0】Standard of Analog output is either 0~20mA or 0~10V.It is able to select the voltageoutput or current output through jumper AO1,AO2.The range of HDO ON-OFF output is0khz~50.0khz.AO/HDO output functions are indicated in the following table:Setting value Function Range0 Running frequency 0~Maximum frequency