144crc_value=(crc_value>>1)^0xa001;elsecrc_value=crc_value>>1;}}return(crc_value);}In the ladder logic, CKSM calculates the CRC value according to the frame content,and uses the look-up table method to calculate. This method is simple and the operationspeed is fast, but the ROM space occupied by the program is large. If there is arequirement for the program space, please use it cautiously.8.6.4 Definition of communication data addressThis part is the address definition of the communication data, which is used to controlthe operation of the inverter, obtain the status information of the inverter and set therelevant function parameters of the inverter.(1) Code parameter address representation ruleThe Code serial number is used as the parameter corresponding to the registeraddress, but to be converted into hexadecimal, such as the hexadecimal communicationaddress of parameter F5.11 is 050BH, and the hexadecimal communication address ofparameter F8.22 is 0816H.Note: Some parameters cannot be changed while the inverter is running; someparameters cannot be changed regardless of the state of the inverter; change the Codeparameters, and also pay attention to the parameter setting range, unit, and relatedinstructions.