123Automatic current limiting protection function in the process of inverter operation iscomparing with the current limit levels is determined by Fb.10 through detecting theoutput current.When more than current limit levels,the inverter output frequency will becarried out in accordance with the flow frequency decrease rate of decline;When the levelof output current is lower than the current limit point again,the inverter will recover to thenormal operation.As shown in figure:Fig.6-29 Current limiting protection functionDuring auto current limiting process, the inverter's output frequency may change;therefore, it is recommended not to enable the function when inverter needs to outputstable frequency.During auto current limiting process, if Fb.10 is too low, the overload capacity will beimpacted.Code Name Setting RangeFb.11 Inverter overload pre-alarm 20.0~200.0%【150.0%】Fb.12 Inverter overload pre-alarm time 0.0~100.0S【20.0S】Fb.13 Malfunction recovery times 0~10【0】Fb.14 Malfunction auto-reset interval 0.1~20.0S【5.0S】