127Code Name Setting RangeFC.04 Communication on timeout delay 0.0(invalid),0.1~100.0S【0.0S】When the Code is set as 0.0, the communication overtime parameter is invalid.When the Code is set to a valid value. if the interval time between two communicationsexceeds the communication overtime,the system will report“communication faults”(CE).Generally, set it as invalid; set the parameter in the continuous communication tomonitor the communication state.Code Name Setting RangeFC.05 Communication on error action 0~3【1】0:Alarm and coast to stop1:No alarm and continue to run2:No alarm and stop according to F1.06(only Communication setup )3:No alarm and stop according to F1.06Inverter in communication exception cases can be set by communication error handlingaction selection is shielding CE fault, stop or continue to run.Code Name Setting RangeFC.06 Communication setting factor 10.0~500.0%【100.0】When the communication frequency is set, the actual set frequency is equal to thefrequency set by the communication multiplied by this coefficient.Code Name Setting RangeFC.07 Communication address mark 0~1【0】This Code can modify the communication command address of the inverter.0: Default communication address. For details of the relevant communication controladdress, see Chapter 8.6.