GENERALThe generator should be started at least once every sevendays and allowed to run at least 30 minutes, if this cannot bedone and you must store the unit for more than 30 days, usethe following information as a guide to prepare it for storage.Long Term Storage InstructionsIt is important to prevent gum deposits from forming inessential fuel system parts, such as the carburetor, fuel filter,fuel hose or tank during storage. Also, experience indicatesthat alcohol-blended fuels (called gasoho], ethanol ormethanol) can attract moisture, which leads to separationand formation of acids during storage. Acidic fuel candamagethe fuel system of an engine while in storage.WARNING_Fuel and its are extremely flammable andvaporsexplosive._j_ ire or explosion can cause severe burns ordeath.WHEN STORINGFUELOR EQUIPMENTWITH FUELINTANK• Storeawayfrom furnaces,stoves,water heaters,clothesdryersor otherappliancesthat havepilotlight or otherignitionsourcebecausetheycanignitefuel vapors.WHEN DRAININGFUEL• TurngeneratorOFFand let it coolat least2 minutesbeforeremovingfuel cap.Loosencapslowlyto relievepressureintank.. Drainfueltank outdoors.. Keepfuel awayfrom sparks,openflames,pilot lights,heat,andotherignitionsources.• DONOTlighta cigaretteor smoke.Protect Fuel SystemFuel Preserver:Change OilWhile engine is still warm, drain oil from crankcase. Refillwith recommended grade.Oil Cylinder Bore* Removespark plug and pour about 1 ounce (30ml) ofclean engine oil into the cylinder.. Install spark plug and crank slowly to distribute oil.WARNING_ Unintentional sparking can result in fire or_¢ electric shock.• NEVERcrankenginewith sparkplugremoved.Generator1. Cleangenerator as outlined in Generator Cleaning.2. Checkthat cooling air slots and openings on generatorare open and unobstructed.Other Storage Tips1. DO NOTstore fuel from one season to another unless ithas been treated as described in Protect Fuel System.2. Replacefuel can if it starts to rust. Contaminated fuelwill cause engine problems.If possible, store unit indoors and cover it to giveprotection from dust and dirt.Cover unit with a suitable protective cover that does notretain moisture.WARNINGStoragecovers can be flammable.Fillthe fuel tank with fresh fuel allowing at least 1.5" of tankspace for fuel expansion as shown on page 8, when using afuel preserver cartridge with the fresh start fuel cap. If onlypartially filled, air in the tank will promote fuel deteriorationduring storage. Engine and fuel can be stored up to 6 monthswith fuel preserver.• Check level of fuel preserver cartridge. Fuelpreserver isdark in color.• If cartridge is almost empty or empty, replace with a newfuel preserver cartridge following the instructions in FreshStarY Fuel Cap.If fuel preserver is not used, remove all fuel from tank andrun engine until it stops from lack of fuel.DO NOT place a storage cover over a hot generator.Let equipment cool for a sufficient time before placing the coveron the equipment.Store generator in clean, dry area.2O