Clean Spark Arrester ScreenThe engine exhaust muffler has a spark arrester screen.Inspect and clean the screen every 100 hours of operation oronce eachyear, whichever comes first.NOTE:You can purchase a new spark arrester screen bycalling 1-800-4-MY-HOME (46g-4663).If you useyour generator on any forest-covered, brush-covered, or grass-covered unimproved land, it must have aspark arrester. The spark arrester must be maintained in goodcondition by the owner/operator.WARNING_ ontact with muffler area can result in seriousburns._ Exhaust heat/gases can ignite combustibles,structures or damagefuel tank causing a fire.• DO NOT touch hot parts and AVOID hot exhaust gases.Allow equipment to cool before touching.• Keep at least 5 feet (1.5 m) of clearance on all sides ofgenerator including overhead.• Code of FederalRegulation (CFR) Title 36 Parks, Forests, andPublic Property require equipment powered by an internalcombustion engine to have a spark arrester, maintained ineffective working order, complying to USDAForest servicestandard 5100-1C or later revision. In the State of California aspark arrester is required under section 4442 of the CaliforniaPublic resources code. Other states may havesimilar laws.Clean and inspect the spark attester as follows:1. To remove muffler heat shield (A) from muffler (B),remove four screws that connect guard to mufflerbracket.2. Remove four screws that attach spark arrester screen(C).3. Inspect screen and obtain a replacement if torn,perforated or otherwise damaged. DO NOT use adefective screen. If screen is not damaged, clean it withcommercial solvent.4. Reattach screen and muffler guard.Air Coofing SystemOvertime debris may accumulate in cylinder cooling fins andcannot be observed without partial engine disassembly. Forthis reason, we recommend you have a Sears or otherqualified service dealer clean the cooling system (A) perrecommended intervals (see Maintenance Schedule). Equallyimportant is to keeptop of engine free from debris. SeeGenerator Cleaning.Check VaJve ClearanceRegular valve clearance check and adjustment will improveperformance and extend engine life. This procedure cannotbe done without partial engine disassembly and the use ofspecial tools. For this reason we recommend that you have aSearsor other qualified service dealer check and adjust valveclearance at recommended intervals.Carburetor AdjustmentThe carburetor on this engine is low emission, it is equippedwith a non-adjustable idle mixture valve and governed idle, ifequipped. Governedidle and top speed have been set at thefactory. If adjustment is required, see a Sears or otherualified service dealer.CAUTIONExcessively high operating speeds increase risk of injuryand damageto generator.Excessively low speeds impose a heavy load.DONOTtamperwith governedspeed.Generatorsuppliescorrectratedfrequencyandvoltagewhenrunningat governedspeed.DONOTmodifygeneratorin anyway.19