SPUR AND CUP/CENTER 1NSTALLATIOt_1, Find a 3/4-16 hex nut among the loose parts and scr(_wonto head stock spindle until finger tight,3/4 16HEX NUT/i!. |2. Find two points and a spur ahd cup ct.m_er amo_g theloose parts. To insert poir_t ir_to cer_ters, _)Jace cente_between jaws of a vise. Do not ti£hte[_vice h_seq p[_i_into center and with a hammer and r_ai_ ger_tly taparound the base of the poh_t until secureJf3, Insert spur center into head stock spir_dle and cupcenter into tai;stock ram. NOTE: Do not drive orhammer centers into spindte or ram as removal may bedifficult, Use a soft hammer or block of wood and givethem a gentle tap,4. To remove spur center from spindle, hen the spindlepulley with one hand, and, using a wrench or pair ofpliers, turn the hex nut counterclockwise until centeris ejected.& To remove cup center insert a 1/4" wood dowe_ or brassrod through the hole in the tailstock ram. Ho{d thecenter with one hand and tap the dowet or rod with ahammer.\ CENTERTAILSTOCKRAMFOOT