, PROBABLE CAUSE1. Motor.. ' ' .,Motor fails to develop 1. Circuit overloaded withfu(_l power. NOTE; lights appliances andLOW VOLTAGE: Power other motors.output of motor:decreases rapidly wdh 2. Undersize wires or c_rcuddecrease _n vottage at too long:-motor terminals. Forexample a reduction of 3. Genera[ overloading ofi0% in voltage Causes power companya reduction of 19% in facilities.maxtmum power outputof which the motor iscapable, and a reductionof 20% m voltage causesa reduction of 36% mmaximum power output.)t Low voltage will notor falls to come up trip relay.2 Windings burned outor open.3: Starting relay notoperating1. Motor overloaded.: 2, improper cooling, (Air: circulation restr cted: through factor due to' sawdust, accumulatinginside of motor).' ' ." . 1 Burned switch contactsStart ng switch in " (due tO extendedmotor will not ' hold-in periods causedoperate.Motor stalls(resulting m blownfuses or trippedcircuit breakers).Frequent opening offuses or circuitbreakers.ii ,by low line voltage, etc.)Shorted capamtorLoose or brokenconnections.1. Starting sw_tch notoperating2. Voltage too low to permitmotoT to reach operatingspeed.3. Fuses or circuit breakersdo not have sufficientcapacity.1. Motor overloaded.2. Fuses or circuit breakersdo not have sufficientcapacity.3. Starting sw_tch notoperating (motor doesnot reach speed).REMEDYt. Have motor checked by qualified servicetechnician. Repair serwce is available atyour,nearest Sears store.I. Do not use other appliances or motors onsame circuit when using the lathe.2. Increase w_re sizes, or reduce length of wiringSee "Motor Specifications and Electnca_Requirements" section,3, Request a voltage check from the powercompany.1. Request voltage check from the power company2 Have motor repaired or replaced3. Have relay replaced.1. Take shallower cuts.2. Clean out sawdust to provide normal aircirculation through motor.See "Maintenance and Lubrication" section.1. Have switch replaced and request a voltage checkfrom the power company.2. Have capacitor tested and replace =f defechve3 Have wiring checked and repaired.1. Have swttch replaced2. Request voltage check from the power company.3 Install proper s_ze fuses or circuit breakers1. Take shallower cuts.2. install proper size fuses or circuit breakers.3. Have switch replaced.32