rep=ir pansCRAFTSMAN "_2-iNCH WOOD LATHE, MODEL 113,228162NOTE:ANY ATTEMPT TO REPAIR THIS MOTORMAY CREATE A HAZARD UNLESSREPAIR IS DONE BY QUAUFIEDSERVICE TECHNICIAN.REPAIR SERVICE IS AVAILABLEAT YOUR NEAREST SEARS STORE.t 2Figure IMOTOR PART NO. 70055Key PartNo. No. DescriptionI 6030(_ Screw. 8-32 x 3/8, ThreadCutting, Slotted, SerratedHd.2 64088 Cover. Terminal3 64258 Cord with PlugMOTOR CONNECTIONSWARNING: FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, TURN SWITCH"OFF" AND REMOVE PLUG FROM POWER SOURCEOUTLET BEFORE PROCEEDING.1. Open motor connector box cover located on left end ofmotor (viewed from rear of saw) using a flat bladescrewdriver,2. Remove GREEN SCREW and iockwasher and insertscrew through round metal terminal on _he end of theGREEN wire of power cord with leckvvasher betweenterminal and motor frame. {See iHus,)3. ReinsertGREEN SCREW in the threaded hole Tightensecurely4. Insert terminal end of WHITE wire on spade _erminatr'narked T4 on the motor Push terminal firmly untilseated,5 Insert terminai end of BLACK wire on spade terminalmarked T1 on the motor. Push terminal firmly untilseated.6. Close motor connector box being surethat power cord isseated in the largest strain retief groove, and tighten boxcover screws.GREENINTERNALLOCKWASHERBLACK WIRE TOTERMINAL TImTERMINALGREEN WIRE-TO GREEN SCREWSTRAIN RELIEFWIRE TOTERMINAL T4,\33