basic lathe operationsIf you have never done any amount of wood turn ng, wesuggest that you practice using the various wood turningtools. Start with=a small spindle turning.Be sure to study the "HOWTO" section of this manual, Itexplains and illustrates thecorreet use ofthe turnings tools,the positioning of the tool rest and other information to helpyou gain experience.1, Carefully inspect and select a piece of wood 2" x 2" x12" and always use wood free of checks, splits, cracksor knots.2, Draw diagonal lines on each end to locate the centers3. On oneend, makeasaw cut approximately 1/16" deepon each diagonal line. This is for the spur center.4 The other endis for the cup center. Place the point ofthe cut center on the wood where the diagonal linescross,DIAGONAL LINESON BOTH ENDS5. Drive the cup center into the wood. Use a woodenmallet or a plastic hammer, if you don't h ave one, use asteel ha mmero but put a piece of wood on the end of thecup center to protect it.6. Remove the cup center and drive the spur center intothe other end of the wood. Make sure the spurs are inthe saw cuts, Remove the spur center.7. Make sure t he centers and the hole in the spindle andthe tailstock ram are clean, insert the spur center rotethe headstock and the cup center into the tailstock andtap them in lightly with a piece of wood, Do not drivethem in.8. Put a drop of oil or wax on the wood where it contactsthe cup center. This witl lubricate the wood while it isturning,9. Place the wood between the centers and iock thetailstock:WARNING: Be sure the spur center and cup centerare firmlyseated against the workpiece and thatthetailstock is securely locked in place.i0, M0vethe cup center intothe wood byturnmg the handwheel. Make sure that the cup center and spur centerare "seated" into the wood in the holes made in steps 5and 6 above. Rotate the wood by hand while turning thehand wheel.t 1. Adjust the tool rest approxirnately 1/8" away fro m thecorners of the wood and 1/8" below the center line.Note the angled position of the toot rest base.WARNING: For your own safety, after adjusting thetool rest be sure and lock the toot rest base and thetool rest.TOOL REST14