ROTATIONCHECK SPINDLE ROTATIONThe Lathe spindle must rotate counterclockwise whenviewed from the spindle end,NOTE: Make sure the spur center is removed from thespindle.1. Plug the Lathe power ,cord into a properly groundedoutlet (See page 5)2. Stand clear of the Lathe spindle and tur n the switch ON.Notice the rotation of the spindle. If it is NOT turningCOUNTERCLOCKWISE contact your Sears Store im-mediately before using this tool,TERMINALcoVERgetting to knowBACK OF TOOLBELT GUARD2 INDEX PINyour b'VO Od11 spu.CENTER3 SPINDLELOCKHOLElathe7 HANDWHEELTAILSTOCKRAM /1 0 CUP CENTER8 TAILSTOCK RAMTOOL RESTTOOL REST _"_BASETOOL RESTBASE LO¢SPINDLE!3SPEED1 BELT GUARDLOCK1 0 ON-OFFSWITCHHEADSTOCKI. BELT GUARD LOCK... Locks the hinged part of theguard during operation.2. INDEX PIN.,. Engages with the spindle pufley todetermine equal spacing for cuts for fluting or reeding,or for dividing face plate work. DO NOT USE FORREMOVING FACEPLATES,3. SPINDLE LOCK HOLE.., For removing faceplates orsanding discs, insert a setscrew wrench, large na_I orbolt in the hole to hold the spindle while unscrewingfaeep_ate or sanding disc,4. TOOL REST BRACKET LOCK._. Clamps the toolrest bracket to the bed,\BEDFOOT)TAILSTOCKLOCK12 TA,LSTOCKTOOL RESTLOCK4 TOOL RESTBRACKET LOCKFRONT OF TOOL5. TOOL REST LOCK.., Clamp the too_ rest to the tOOlrest base.6. TOOL REST BASE LOCK... Clamps the tool restbase to the bed.7. HANDWHEEL • . . Adjusts the tailstock ram.8. TAILSTOCK RAM LOCK,.. Clamps the ram in thetaiistock,9, TAILSTOCK LOCK.,-CIamPs the tailstock to thebed,10. 0N-0FF SWITCH11,, °_--=1!--= ......... i