44Error MessagesThe paper is too small.Error Message Cause Corrective ActionThe paper is too small. The loaded paper is too small. Replace the paper with paper of A4/Letter (vertical)size or larger as follows.Press ▲ or ▼ to select Change Paper, press theOK button, and remove the paper.(→ , Removing Sheets)(→"Loading and Printing on Sheets," User Manual)2.1.Switch to paper A4/Letter (vertical) or larger.The printer will resume printing.Press ▲ or ▼ to select Stop Printing, and then pressthe OK button to stop printing.Replace roll with 10 in. wide orlarger roll.The loaded paper is too small. Replace the roll with a roll 10 inches in width or largeras follows.Press ▲ or ▼ to select Change Paper, and thenpress the OK button to remove the roll.(→ , Removing the Roll from the Printer)(→ , Attaching the Roll Holder to Rolls)2.1.Replace the roll with a roll 10 inches wide or larger.The printer will resume printing.Press ▲ or ▼ to select Stop Printing, and then pressthe OK button to stop printing.Replace paper with A4/LTR(vertical) or larger(→"Removing the Roll Holder from Rolls," UserManual)(→ , Loading Rolls in the Printer)(When you are attempting to printa test print sheet or other printerstatus information.)(When you are attempting to printa test print sheet or other printerstatus information.)Paper mismatch You tried to print a test patternfor printer adjustment on severalsheets, but sheets of differenttypes or sizes of paper were used.When printing a test pattern for adjustment, usesheets of the same type of paper, in the requiredquantity.Replace the paper as follows and perform adjustmentagain.Press ▲ or ▼ to select Stop Printing, and thenpress the OK button to stop printing.1.Replace the paper.2.Press ▲ or ▼ to select Change Paper, press the OKbutton, and replace the paper.(→"Loading and Printing on Sheets," User Manual)The printer now starts printing the test pattern.Execute adjustment again from the control panelmenu.3.(→"Loading and Printing on Sheets," User Manual)