123ABC DActionReference InformationRepeat and to enter more characters.Enter characters using the Numeric buttons.Press the button of the Numeric buttons to switch to the character entry mode youwant to use.This machine allows you to enter characters using the Numeric buttons (A).Follow the procedure below.Character EntryThree character entry modes (numeric, upper case and lower case) are available. Each timeyou press the button, the entry mode displayed on the upper right of the screen changesbetween numeric 123, upper case ABC and lower case abc.•Multiple characters are assigned to each key. Press a key to toggle character options for thatkey. For details on assigned characters, refer to "Key Assignments" on the right.•Button Numeric mode 123 Upper case mode ABC Lower case mode abc1 12 2 ABC abc3 3 DEF def4 4 GHI ghi5 5 JKL jkl6 6 MNO mno7 7 PQRS pqrs8 8 TUV tuv9 9 WXYZ wxyz0 0# - . SP # ! ″ , ; : ^ ` _ = / | ´ ? $ @ % & + ( ) [ ] { } < > \ ~Each time you press this button, the entry mode changes between numeric mode 123, uppercase mode ABC and lower case mode abc.To delete a character, move the cursor to the target character using the [ or ] button, then press theright FUNCTION button (D).•To insert a space, move the cursor to the target position using the [ or ] button (B), then press the leftFUNCTION button (C).•To insert characters, move the cursor to the character on the right of the target position using the [ or ]button, then enter characters.•To enter characters assigned to the same key successively (e.g., enter "N" then "O"), press the ] button(B) to move the cursor by one character to the right first.•SP: Indicates a single space.