Switching 1-Sided and 2-Sided Printing0U6X-049You can make both 1-sided and 2-sided printouts. The default setting is [2-sidedPrinting]. Change the setting as necessary.Make sure that the paper size switch lever is set properly● When performing 2-sided printing, improper setting of the paper size switch lever can cause misfeeds orpaper jams. When performing 2-sided printing, make sure that the paper size switch lever is set properly forthe size of the paper to be used. Interior(P. 21)Make sure that the sub-output tray is closed● When the sub-output tray is open, you cannot perform 2-sided printing. When performing 2-sided printing,always make sure that the sub-output tray is closed. Back Side(P. 19)● 2-sided printing may not be available with some sizes and types of paper. Paper(P. 469)[Basic Settings] tab Select [1-sided Printing] or [2-sided Printing] in [1-sided/2-sided/BookletPrinting] Select the position to bind in [Binding Location] [OK]Printing88