Keep Your Printouts PrivateNormally, when you print something from your computer, it comes out of the printer right away. However, ifyou have sensitive documents, this may not be what you want. Just use secure printing and no one will be ableto print your documents without entering your password on the machine's operation panel. Don't let yourconfidential documents lie exposed on the tray for everyone to see. For even greater security, you can print awatermark such as "CONFIDENTIAL" or "PRIVATE COPY."To print a document secured by a PIN: Printing a Document Secured by a PIN (Secure Print) (P. 113)To print watermarks such as "CONFIDENTIAL" over the document: Printing Watermarks(P. 100)Go WirelessNo cables, easy installation, simple maintenance. If you've got a WPS wireless LAN router, bypass the settingsprocess altogether and be ready to go before you know it. Enjoy the kind of clutter-free and easy to usedocument system that you can only get from wireless. Compatible with IEEE 802.11b/g/n for stress-freewireless, and also supports WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK (TKIP/AES-CCMP) for tighter security.For more information about this function, see Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 155) .Make PostersBlow up a regular one-sheet printout and make an exceptionally large poster. A large poster will be printed outon nine sheets. Put them together in a 3x3 grid, and voila!For more information about this function, see Printing Posters(P. 94) .Appendix463