Paper Is Fed Incorrectly2754-020Printouts Are SkewedDo the paper guides align with the edges of the paper?● If the paper guides are too loose or too tight, the printouts are skewed.Loading Paper(P. 32)Are you printing on curled envelopes?● Uncurl the envelopes, and print again.Loading Envelopes(P. 37)Paper Is Not Fed/Two or More Sheets Are Fed TogetherIs paper loaded correctly?● Fan the paper stack thoroughly so that paper is not stuck together.● Check whether paper is loaded correctly.Loading Paper(P. 32)● Check whether the number of sheets of paper loaded is appropriate and whether the appropriate paper isused.Available Paper(P. 122)Loading Paper(P. 32)● Check whether mixed sizes and types of paper are loaded together.● There are cases where the paper does not load properly depending on its thickness. If this occurs, reversethe paper orientation, or flip the paper over.Troubleshooting98