1-3Introduction1Operation Panela COPY keySwitches the standby display to the Copy mode.b SCAN keySwitches the standby display to the Scan mode.c Enlarge/Reduce keySets an enlargement or reduction ratio of the copy.d Exposure keyAdjusts the copy exposure.e Alarm indicatorFlashes red when the machine has a problem such as a paper jam.(The error message is displayed in the LCD.)f LCDDisplays messages and prompts during operation. Also displaysselections, text, and numbers when specifying settings.g Numeric keysEnter copy quantity and other numerical values.h Start keyStarts copying.i Stop/Reset keyCancels copying and other operations, and returns to the standbydisplay.j Energy Saver keySets or cancels the energy saver mode manually. The keylights green when the energy saver mode is set, and goes offwhen the mode is canceled.k Collate/2on1 keySorts copies in order of pages or reduces two documents to fiton a single sheet.l Image Quality keyAdjusts the quality of printout.m Memory indicatorLights green during copying or when the copy job is stored inthe memory.n Menu keyCustomizes the way your machine operates.o [ (-)] or [ (+)] keysScroll through the selections so you can see other settings.p OK keyDetermines the contents you set or register.q Status Monitor keyChecks the status of copy and print jobs.COPYSCANMenu OK1 2 34 5 67 8 90