CHAPTER 2 OUTLINE OF OPERATIONCOPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON DADF-H1 REV.0 MAR. 20012-262.4 Document Pickup/Separation2.4.1 Basic pickup operationPressing the PRINT START key with a document set in the document tray causes theADF to pick up the document in the following sequence:a. Pickup operationWhen the pickup motor (M2) reverses, the pickup roller assembly descends to rotate thepickup roller for feeding the document. The stopper ascends in synchronization with thepickup roller assembly. The separation plate and the separation pad prevent the documentfrom feeding in duplicate as the document is fed.F02-204-01b. LoopingThe pickup motor (M2) reverses, pressing the paper against the registration roller haltedby the idling one-way clutch to form a loop, thereby preventing the document from skew-ing.F02-204-02Pickup rollerassemblyDocumentM2Pickup rollerassembly DocumentStopper Separation pad Separation plateM2One-wayclutchOne-wayclutchRegistration rollerLooping 1