CHAPTER 2 OUTLINE OF OPERATIONCOPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON DADF-H1 REV.0 MAR. 2001 2-27c. FeedThe pickup motor (M2) and the feed motor (M1) forward to cause the pickup roller as-sembly to ascend, with the registration roller and the read roller feeding the document to thescanning standby position. When the document reaches the scanning standby position, thepickup motor (M2) and the feed motor (M1) stop.F02-204-03d. Flow scanningWhen the leading sheet of a document arrives at the scanning standby position, the ADFtransmits an image start signal to the host to start flow scanning, in which the documentscanned as it is moved over a sheet of glass in a stationary optic system in the host by aplaten roller.The scanned image is stored in the host’s memory.F02-204-04RegistrationrollerScanning standby positionRead rollerM1 M2Platen rollerDocument illuminating lampScanning glassM1