DRIVING AID TECHNOLOGIESVehicle Stability System(VSS)The Spyder roadster is equipped witha Vehicle Stability System (VSS). VSScan help you control the direction ofthe vehicle and reduce the risk of tip-ping or rolling over in some situations.VSS consists of:– An Anti-lock Braking System(ABS) that helps maintain steeringcontrol during hard braking by pre-venting the wheels from locking.– An Electronic Brake Distribution(EBD) system that automatically ad-justs the brake balance between allthree wheels. With the ABS, EBDhelps maintain directional controland maximize the braking force de-pending on the traction available.– A Traction Control System (TCS)that helps prevent the rear wheelfrom slipping under throttle de-mand. The TCS will limit rear wheelspin only if you turn the handle-bar (steer out of straight line) orif vehicle speed exceeds 50 km/h(31 MPH). When off-throttle (decel-eration), the TCS will prevent therear wheel from blocking.– A Stability Control System (SCS)is designed to limit the power driv-ing the rear tire and to brake individ-ual wheels, which reduces the riskof losing control of the vehicle orrolling over.NOTE: The VSS light in the gauge willturn on when VSS intervenes and willremain on for 2 seconds after VSS in-tervention.LimitationsVSS cannot help you maintain controlin all situations.Surfaces with Poor TractionThe grip of tires on the road surfacelimits the maximum braking. Evenwith ABS and EBD, your stopping dis-tance will be longer on surfaces withpoor traction or if you do not maintaintire pressure and tread condition.If your tires lose traction with the roadsurface you may lose control of the ve-hicle, even with VSS.If the paved road surface is coveredor partially covered with ice, snowor slush, there is not enough tractionavailable to maintain control of the ve-hicle, even with VSS. Do not operateon snow, ice or slush.Like other on-road vehicles, this ve-hicle can hydroplane on water (losetraction on a layer of water). If you ridetoo fast into a layer of water, such asa large puddle or flowing water on theroad, the vehicle can lose traction andspin out, and the VSS cannot keep youin control. Avoid large water puddlesor water streams, and slow down orpull off the road during heavy rains. Ifyou must pass through water, slowdown as much as possible before youreach it.Reduce speed on surfaces with poortraction, like mud, sand, gravel or wetpavement. The Spyder roadster is notfor off-road operation. Always operatethe vehicle on maintained roadways.Do not use the vehicle on any other ter-rain.TiresThe VSS on the vehicle has been cal-ibrated to perform best with a tire ofa specific size, material and tread pat-tern. Replacing your tires with onesnot approved by BRP can cause theVSS to be ineffective.Use only BRP recommended tires,which can be ordered only from an au-thorized Can-Am roadster dealer.Proper tire inflation pressure and treadcondition are important for maintainingtraction, especially on loose or wet sur-faces.64 _____ SAFE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ______