SECONDARY CONTROLSrmo2010-001-021_aRECC BUTTONS1. MODE button: Navigatethrough the screensHolding button more than 2seconds in main screen: activates ordeactivates ECO mode2. SET button:Quick press then release: Navigatesthrough the secondary screensHolding button more than 1 second: Setsa value in the current function or navigateto a setup screen3. UP button: Increase the volume (audio) ora value4. DOWN button: Decrease the volume(audio) or a value5. LEFT button: Move the screen arrows tothe left to select a secondary menu or asetting6. RIGHT button: Move the screen arrowsto the right to select a secondary menu ora settingWARNINGUsing the RECC while driving candistract the driver from operatingthe vehicle. Always use buttonswith caution and always keep youreyes on the road.11) Reverse ButtonThe reverse button is located on top ofthe left handlebar housing.rmo2010-001-020_eTYPICAL1. Reverse buttonPush and hold the reverse button toallow shifting into reverse. Refer toOPERATING IN REVERSE inBASICPROCEDURES subsection for detailedinstructions.The backup lights turn on when the ve-hicle is in reverse.12) PTT (Push To Talk)ButtonThe PTT button is located on the lefthandlebar housing facing the clutchlever.rmo2010-001-040_a1. PTT buttonWhen an optional CB (Citizens' Band) isinstalled, pressing the button sets theCB in transmitting mode to talk to otherparties._______________ 23