BASIC PROCEDURESWARNINGNew brakes and tires do not op-erate at their maximum efficiencyuntil their break-in is completed.Braking, steering and VSS perfor-mance may be reduced, so use ex-tra caution. Brakes and tires takeabout 300 km (200 mi) of ridingwith frequent braking and steeringto break-in. For riding with infre-quent braking and steering, allowextra time to break-in the brakesand tires.During the first 1 000 km (600 mi):– Avoid full throttle acceleration.– Avoid prolonged riding.– If the cooling fans operate continu-ously during stop and go traffic, pullover and shut off the engine to let itcool off or speed up to let air cool offthe engine.After the first 5 000 km (3,000 mi),your vehicle should be inspected asper theMAINTENANCE SCHEDULEsubsection.FuelingFuel RequirementsNOTICE Always use fresh gaso-line. Gasoline will oxidize; the re-sult is loss of octane, volatile com-pounds, and the production of gumand varnish deposits which candamage the fuel system.Alcohol fuel blending varies by coun-try and region. Your vehicle has beendesigned to operate using the recom-mended fuels, however, be aware ofthe following:– Use of fuel containing alcohol abovethe percentage specified by gov-ernment regulations is not recom-mended and can result in the fol-lowing problems in the fuel systemcomponents:• Starting and operating difficul-ties.• Deterioration of rubber or plasticparts.• Corrosion of metal parts.• Damage to internal engine parts.– Inspect frequently for the presenceof fuel leaks or other fuel systemabnormalities if you suspect thepresence of alcohol in gasoline ex-ceeds the current government reg-ulations.– Alcohol blended fuels attract andhold moisture which may lead tofuel phase separation and can resultin engine performance problems orengine damage.Recommended FuelUse premium unleaded gasoline withan AKI (RON+MON)/2 octane rating of91, or an RON octane rating of 95.NOTICE Never experiment withother fuels. Engine or fuel systemdamages may occur with the use ofan inadequate fuel.NOTICE Do NOT use fuel from fuelpumps labeled E85.Use of fuel labeled E15 is prohibited byU.S. EPA Regulations.56 ______________