FOREWORDThe safety alert symbol indicatesa potential injury hazard.WARNINGIndicates a potential hazard, if notavoided, could result in serious in-jury or death.CAUTION Indicates a hazardsituation which, if not avoided,could result in minor or moderateinjury.NOTICE Indicates an instructionwhich, if not followed, could se-verely damage vehicle componentsor other property.About this Operator'sGuideThis Operator's Guide was written inNorth America in a right-lane drivingenvironment. Please adapt your ap-plication of these maneuvers to yourjurisdiction and rules of the road.In this Operator's Guide, the wordmotorcycle typically refers to atwo-wheeled motorcycle.Keep this Operator's Guide in the frontstorage compartment so that you canrefer to it for things such as mainte-nance, road side repairs and instruct-ing others.If you want to view and/or print an ex-tra copy of your Operator's Guide, sim-ply visit the following website informations contained in this doc-ument are correct at the time of publi-cation. BRP, however, maintains a pol-icy of continuous improvement of itsproducts without imposing upon itselfany obligation to install them on prod-ucts previously manufactured. Dueto late changes, some differences be-tween the manufactured product andthe descriptions and/or specificationsin this guide may occur. BRP reservesthe right at any time to discontinue orchange specifications, designs, fea-tures, models or equipment withoutincurring any obligation upon itself.This Operator's Guide and theSAFETYDVD video should remain with the ve-hicle when it is sold.Refer to Other Sources ofInformationIn addition to reading this Operator'sGuide, you should read the Safety Cardon the vehicle and watch theSAFETYDVD video.If possible, take a training coursethat is specifically designed for theSpyder roadster. Check our websiteat for moreinformation about upcoming trainingcourse availability. If you cannot takea training course specifically designedfor the Spyder roadster, it is a good ideato take a motorcycle training course,since some of the skills required aresimilar and information about man-aging risk on the road is taught andsimilarly applies to riding your Spyderroadster.AcknowledgmentBRP wishes to thank the MotorcycleSafety Foundation (MSF) for givingpermission to BRP to use their mate-rial related to street motorcycle safetyfound in this Operator's Guide.The MSF is an internationally recog-nized not for profit foundation andis supported by motorcycle manu-facturers. It provides training, toolsand partnerships to the motorcyclesafety community. Visit its website _______________