VEHICLE CAREVehicle CleaningTo clean the vehicle, do not usehigh-pressure washers (like the onesfound in car washes) as they may dam-age certain parts of the vehicle.NOTICE Chrome wheels shouldbe washed with water and mildsoap. Do not polish, use acid basedor abrasive chrome cleaner on thechrome wheels.NOTICE Do not clean the wind-shield with alkaline or acid cleaner,gasoline or solvent to avoid wind-shield damage.NOTICE For Matte finishes, do notuse wax, detail spray, or other prod-ucts used on regular paint. Do notwash with abrasive materials. Donot use mechanical cleaners or pol-ishers, and do not rub the surfacesvigorously.To clean the vehicle:1. Rinse the vehicle thoroughly withwater to remove loose dirt.2. Using a soft, clean cloth, wash thevehicle with water mixed with a milddetergent, such as soap speciallyformulated for motorcycles or auto-mobiles.NOTE: Using warm water works wellto remove bugs in the windshield andfront panels.NOTE: For Matte finishes, hand-washwith a soft wash mitt and a mild clean-ing product safe for matte paint. Toremove foreign substances such as in-sects, use a soft applicator and a mildsolvent. Saturate and soak area beforecleaning. Rub lightly.3. While washing the vehicle, checkfor grease or oil. You can useXPS ROADSTER WASH (P/N 219701 703) or a mild automotive de-greaser. Thoroughly follow themanufacturer's instructions.4. Dry the vehicle with a chamois or asoft towel.Vehicle ProtectionApply non-abrasive wax to plasticparts.NOTICE Do not wax or polishmatte surfaces.SURFACE PRODUCT/PRECAUTIONGlossyfinishesApply only non-abrasivewax, safe for clear coatpaintsMattefinishes Do not apply waxNOTICE Do not polish windshieldwith any plastic cleaner/polisher.WARNINGDo not apply a vinyl or plastic pro-tector on the seat as the surfacewill become slippery and the oper-ator or the passenger may slip offthe vehicle.140 ______________