MULTIFUNCTION GAUGEINDICATOR LAMP(S) MAIN SCREEN DESCRIPTIONAll indicatorlamps On NoneTemporarily all indicator lamps areactivated when ignition switch isON and the engine is not startedFlashing None Parking brake engaged Flashing +Beeper NoneSE5 model: The ignition switchis OFF and the parking brake isnot engaged. Always engage theparking brake when parking thevehicle On None Gearbox in neutral position Flashing None Gearbox in reverse positionOn None Headlights in the HIGH beampositionFlashing None VSS intervention occursFlashing NoneLeft side turn signal.Left and right side indicatorlights flash at the same time:hazard warning lightsFlashing NoneRight side turn signal.Left and right side indicatorlights flash at the same time:hazard warning lights4) Digital DisplayDisplays useful real-time informationto the rider and is used as an interfacefor the infotainment center.For a complete description of the dig-ital display, refer toDIGITAL DISPLAYDESCRIPTION (p. 28).Important information messages canalso be displayed, refer toMESSAGESIN MULTIFUNCTION GAUGE (p. 148).The display will use a light color whenthe ambient light is bright and will au-tomatically change to a darker colorwhen the ambient light is dusky.Multifunction GaugeStartup InformationA self test is initiated every time theignition key is turned on. The defaultriding screen will turn on and indicatorlights will turn on for a moment. Thisallows the operator to validate that allindicators are working properly.Any time the ignition switch is turnedON after having been in the OFF posi-tion for 5 minutes or more, the digitaldisplay will show the following mes-sage:– BEFORE OPERATING READ THESAFETY CARD ABOVE THENPRESS MODE BUTTON._______________ 27