SECONDARY CONTROLSWARNINGIf you turn the ignition switch toOFF, it shuts off the engine and allthe electrical systems includingthe VSS, EBD and DPS. If you dothis while the vehicle is moving,you could lose control and crash.Two keys are provided with your vehi-cle. Each key contains a transponderchip specifically pre-programmed toallow starting the engine. Store thespare key in a safe place because youmust have your spare key to haveanother one made by an authorizedCan-Am roadster dealer.NOTE: A key barrel is supplied in theglove box to use with the BRP optionaltrailer. This allows to use the vehiclekey for the trailer.2) Engine Start ButtonThe engine start button is near the righthandgrip.rmo2010-001-031_a1. Engine start buttonWhen depressed and held, it starts theengine.3) Engine Stop SwitchThe engine stop switch is near the righthandgrip.rmo2010-001-031_b1. Engine stop switchThe switch has two positions and mustbe set to the run position before youcan start the engine. It allows you tostop the engine anytime without re-moving your hand from the handlebar.4) Hazard Warning SwitchThe hazard warning switch is near theright handgrip.rmo2010-001-031_c1. Hazard warning switchPush the button down to turn on thehazard warning lights.5) Cruise Control SwitchThe cruise control switch is near theright handgrip.16 ______________