PROBLEMSbe used. Follow the manufacturer'sinstructions that come with the tiresealer or repair kit and have the tirerepaired or replaced by an authorizedCan-Am roadster dealer as soon aspossible.When a tire is temporarily repaired,ride slowly and carefully, and fre-quently check tire pressure until it isreplaced or permanently repaired.Dead BatteryIf the battery is dead or too low to crankthe engine, it can be jump started.WARNINGConnect the jumper cables asspecified in the jump start proce-dure.Batteries can emit explosive gasthat can ignite if jumper cables arenot properly connected.To jump start the battery, proceed asfollows:1. Move the other vehicle as close aspossible and preferably on the leftside of the Spyder roadster. Makesure the vehicles are not touching.2. Shift the Spyder roadster into NEU-TRAL (N) and engage the parkingbrake.3. Turn off the engine of the other vehi-cle and all electrical accessories.4. Open the hood of the other vehicle.5. Unlatch and lift the seat of theSpyder roadsterOPENING THESEAT (p. 39).6. Make sure the ignition switch is setto OFF.7. Connect one end of the red POSI-TIVE (+) jumper cable to the POSI-TIVE (+) terminal under the seat ofthe Spyder roadster.8. Connect the other end of the redPOSITIVE (+) jumper cable tothe POSITIVE (+) terminal of thebooster battery.9. Connect one end of the black NEG-ATIVE (-) jumper cable to the NEGA-TIVE (-) terminal of the booster bat-tery.10. Connect the other end of the blackNEGATIVE (-) jumper cable to theNEGATIVE (-) terminal under theseat of the Spyder roadster.rmo2008-001-044_a1. NEGATIVE (-) terminal2. POSITIVE (+) terminal11. Stand on the right side of theSpyder roadster, apply brakes andstart the engine. If it does notcrank or it cranks slowly, check thejumper cables to make sure theyare making good contact and tryagain.If it still does not start, there mightbe a problem with the starting sys-tem. Have the vehicle transported(p. 106) and repaired by the near-est authorized Can-Am roadsterdealer.12. As soon the engine starts, discon-nect both jumper cables in the re-verse connection order, startingwith the NEGATIVE (-) cable con-nected to the Spyder roadster.13. Run the engine at an idle of 1200 to1500 RPM for a couple of minutes.138 ______________