CHANGE OF ADDRESS/OWNERSHIPIf your address has changed or if you are the new owner of the vehicle, be sure tonotify BRP by either:– Mailing one of the following card below;– North America Only: calling at 715 848-4957 (USA) or 819 566-3366 (Canada);– Notifying an authorized Can-Am roadster dealer.In case of change of ownership, please join a proof that the former owner agreedto the transfer.Notifying BRP, even after the expiration of the limited warranty, is very importantas it enables BRP to reach the vehicle owner if necessary, like when safety recallsare initiated. It is the owner’s responsibility to notify BRP.STOLEN UNITS: If your personal vehicle is stolen, you should notify BRP or an au-thorized Can-Am roadster dealer. We will ask you to provide your name, address,phone number, the vehicle identification number and the date it was stolen.In North AmericaBOMBARDIER RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS INC.Warranty Department75 J.-A. Bombardier StreetSherbrooke, QC J1L 1W3CanadaIn Other Countries in the WorldBRP EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTIONWarranty DepartmentChemin de Messidor 5-71006 LausanneSwitzerlandIn Scandinavian CountriesBRP FINLAND OYService DepartmentIsoaavantie 7Fin-96320 RovaniemiFinlandTel.: + 358 16 3208 111______________ 173