SECONDARY CONTROLSResuming the Cruise ControlIf the cruise control was cancelled andthe cruise control switch is still at theON position, the cruise control oper-ation can be resumed by pushing thecruise control button up. The cruisecontrol will then recover the previousset speed.rmo2010-001-031_iCRUISE CONTROL PREVIOUSLYCANCELLED1. Push up button to RESUMENOTE: The cruise control status willshow CRUISE SET in the digital dis-play.6) Headlight SwitchThe switch is near the left handgrip.rmo2010-001-020_b1. Headlight switchThe switch is used to select high or lowbeam for the headlight. The headlightsautomatically turn on when the enginereaches 800 RPM and turn off after ap-proximately 20 seconds when enginehas been stopped.To select high beams, push the switchto the front position. To select lowbeams, push the switch to the downposition.To flash the high beams, press theswitch to the down position, then re-lease it. The high beams will stay on aslong as the switch is held.rmo2010-001-020_f1. High beams2. Low beams3. Flash high beams7) Turn Signal ButtonThe turn signal button is located nearthe left handgrip.rmo2010-001-020_g1. Turn signal buttonThe turn signal button turns off auto-matically after a normal turn, but youmay have to turn it off manually after ashallow turn or lane change.To turn the signal off, press the buttonin.Turn signals will automatically turn offafter 30 seconds while the vehicle ismoving._______________ 19