Black plate (47,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC 2nd Edition - 10/9/12Driving and Operating 9-47shrubs, and other stationary objects.This is normal system operation, thevehicle does not need service.If the SBZA displays do not light upwhen the system is on and vehiclesare in the blind zone, the systemmay need service. Take the vehicleto your dealer.SBZA does not operate when theSBZA sensors in the left or rightcorners of the rear bumper arecovered with mud, dirt, snow, ice,slush, or in heavy rainstorms. Forcleaning instructions, see “Washingthe Vehicle” under Exterior Care onpage 10‑90. If the DIC still displaysthe SIDE BLIND ZONE SYSTEMUNAVAILABLE message aftercleaning the bumper, see yourdealer.The SBZA displays may remain onif a trailer is attached to the vehicle,or a bicycle or object is extendingout to either side of the vehicle.When SBZA is disabled for anyreason other than the driver turningit off, it cannot be turned back on.The SIDE BLIND ZONE ALERT ONoption will not be selectable if theconditions for normal systemoperation are not met.SBZA Error MessagesThe following messages mayappear in the DIC:SIDE BLIND ZONE ALERTSYSTEM OFF: This messageindicates that the driver has turnedthe system off.SIDE BLIND ZONE SYSTEMUNAVAILABLE: This messageindicates that the SBZA system isdisabled either because the sensoris blocked and cannot detectvehicles in your blind zone, or thevehicle is passing through an openfield of view area, such as thedesert, where there is insufficientdata for operation. This messagemay also activate during heavy rainor due to road spray. The vehicledoes not need service. For cleaning,see “Washing the Vehicle” underExterior Care on page 10‑90.SERVICE SIDE BLIND ZONEALERT SYSTEM: If this messageappears, both SBZA displays willremain on indicating there is aproblem with the SBZA system.If these displays remain on aftercontinued driving, the system needsservice. Take the vehicle to yourdealer.FCC InformationSee Radio Frequency Statement onpage 13‑21 for informationregarding Part 15 of the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC)rules and Industry CanadaStandards RSS-GEN/210/220/310.Rear VisionCamera (RVC)If available, the Rear Vision Camera(RVC) system displays part of thescene behind the vehicle.