Black plate (20,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC 2nd Edition - 10/9/121-20 In BriefTo clean the camera lens, locatedabove the license plate, rinse it withwater and wipe it with a soft cloth.See Rear Vision Camera (RVC) onpage 9‑47.Ultrasonic Parking AssistIf available, this system usessensors on the rear bumper toassist with parking and avoidingobjects while in R (Reverse).It operates at speeds less than8 km/h (5 mph). URPA uses audiblebeeps to provide distance andsystem information.Keep the sensors on the vehicle'srear bumper clean to ensure properoperation.See Ultrasonic Parking Assist onpage 9‑44.Power OutletsThe accessory power outlets can beused to plug in electrical equipment,such as a cell phone or MP3 player.The vehicle has three accessorypower outlets:. Inside the floor consolestorage bin.. On the rear of the floor console.. In the rear cargo area on thepassenger side.The accessory power outlets arepowered, even when the ignition isin LOCK/OFF. Continuing to usepower outlets while the ignition is inLOCK/OFF may cause the vehicle'sbattery to run down.See Power Outlets on page 5‑7.Universal Remote SystemVehicles with the Universal RemoteSystem will have these buttonslocated in the headliner.This system provides a way toreplace up to three remote controltransmitters used to activatedevices such as garage dooropeners, security systems, andhome automation devices.Read the instructions completelybefore attempting to program thetransmitter. Because of the stepsinvolved, it may be helpful to haveanother person assist withprogramming the transmitter.See Universal Remote System onpage 5‑46.