Black plate (6,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC 2nd Edition - 10/9/129-6 Driving and OperatingRemember: Antilock brakes helpavoid only the braking skid.Off-Road DrivingFour-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drivevehicles can be used for off-roaddriving. Vehicles without four-wheeldrive, all-wheel-drive and vehiclesnot equipped with All Terrain (AT) orOn-Off Road (OOR) tires must notbe driven off-road except on a level,solid surface. To contact the tiremanufacturer for more informationabout the original equipment tires,see the Limited Warranty andOwner Assistance Informationmanual.Controlling the vehicle is the key tosuccessful off-road driving. One ofthe best ways to control the vehicleis to control the speed.{ WARNINGWhen driving off-road, bouncingand quick changes in directioncan easily throw you out ofposition. This could cause you tolose control and crash. You andyour passengers should alwayswear safety belts.Before Driving Off-Road. Have all necessary maintenanceand service work completed.. Fuel the vehicle, fill fluid levels,and check inflation pressure inall tires, including the spare,if equipped.. Read all the information aboutfour-wheel-drive andall-wheel-drive vehicles in thismanual.. Make sure all underbodyshields, if equipped, are properlyattached.. Know the local laws that apply tooff-road driving.To gain more ground clearance ifneeded, it may be necessary toremove the front fascia lowerair dam.Notice: Operating the vehicle forextended periods without thefront fascia lower air daminstalled can cause improper airflow to the engine. Re‐attach thefront fascia air dam after off-roaddriving.Loading the Vehicle forOff-Road Driving{ WARNING. Unsecured cargo on the loadfloor can be tossed aboutwhen driving over roughterrain. You or yourpassengers can be struck byflying objects. Secure thecargo properly.(Continued)