VEHICLE CARE 301Relays Usage1 Rear window demister16 Tailgate17 Liftglass18 Rear fog lamp20 Heated mirrorWheels and TyresTyresEvery new GM vehicle hashigh-quality tyres made by aleading tyre manufacturer. See thewarranty manual for informationregarding the tyre warranty andwhere to get service. Foradditional information refer to thetyre manufacturer.{ Warning. Poorly maintained andimproperly used tyres aredangerous.. Overloading the tyres cancause overheating as aresult of too much flexing.There could be a blowoutand a serious crash. SeeVehicle Load Limits 0 197.(Continued)Warning (Continued). Underinflated tyres posethe same danger asoverloaded tyres. Theresulting crash could causeserious injury. Check alltyres frequently tomaintain therecommended pressure.Tyre pressure should bechecked when the tyresare cold.. Overinflated tyres aremore likely to be cut,punctured, or broken by asudden impact - such aswhen hitting a pothole.Keep tyres at therecommended pressure.. Worn or old tyres cancause a crash. If the treadis badly worn,replace them.(Continued)