DRIVING AND OPERATING 215Automatic Transfer CaseIf equipped, use the transfer case knobnext to the steering wheel to shift intoand out of four-wheel drive.All of the lights will flash on then offmomentarily when the ignition isturned on. The light that remains onwill indicate the state of thetransfer case.If the indicator mark on the switchdoes not match up with the light thenthat likely means the switch wasmoved when the ignition was off.The indicator mark on the switchmust line up with the indicator lightbefore a shift can be commanded. Tocommand a shift rotate the transfercase switch to the new desiredposition. The light will blink meaningthat the shift is in progress. When theshift is completed the new positionwill be illuminated. If the transfer casecannot complete a shift command, itwill go back to its last chosen setting.The settings are:N (Neutral) : Use only when thevehicle needs to be towed. See Towingthe Vehicle 0 328.2 m (Two-Wheel Drive High) : Use fordriving on most streets andmotorways. The front axle is notengaged. This setting provides thebest fuel economy.AUTO (Automatic Four-WheelDrive) : Use when road surfacetraction conditions are variable. Whendriving in AUTO, the front axle isengaged, and the vehicle's power issent to the front and rear wheelsautomatically based on drivingconditions. This setting providesslightly lower fuel economy than 2 m.Do not use AUTO mode, if equipped,to park on a steep gradient with poortraction such as ice, snow, mud,or gravel. In AUTO mode only the rearwheels will hold the vehicle fromsliding when parked. If parking on asteep gradient, use 4 m to keep all fourwheels engaged.4 m (Four-Wheel Drive High) : Usethis position when extra traction isneeded, such as when driving onsnowy or icy roads, when off-roading,or when ploughing snow.4 n (Four-Wheel Drive Low) : Thissetting engages the front axle anddelivers extra torque. Choose 4 n whendriving off-road in deep sand, deepmud, or deep snow, and whileclimbing or descending steep hills.Shifting into 4 n will turn TractionControl and StabiliTrak off. SeeTraction Control/Electronic StabilityControl 0 221.