176 CLIMATE CONTROLSMaintenancePassenger CompartmentAir FilterThe filter reduces dust, pollen, andother airborne irritants from outsideair that is pulled into the vehicle. Thefilter should be replaced as part ofroutine scheduled maintenance. SeeMaintenance Replacement Parts 0 319.See your retailer regardingreplacement of the filter.ServiceAll vehicles have a label underbonnetthat identifies the refrigerant used inthe vehicle. The refrigerant systemshould only be serviced by trained andcertified technicians. The airconditioning evaporator should neverbe repaired or replaced by one from asalvage vehicle. It should only bereplaced by a new evaporator toensure proper and safe operation.During service, all refrigerants shouldbe reclaimed with proper equipment.Venting refrigerants directly to theatmosphere is harmful to theenvironment and may also createunsafe conditions based on inhalation,combustion, frostbite, or otherhealth-based concerns.