118 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLSEnglish 6.2 engine (LT4) shown, 3.6Lengine (LF3) similarThis gauge indicates boost underheavier throttle.It displays the air pressure level in theintake manifold before it enters theengine's combustion chamber.The gauge is automatically centred atzero every time the engine is started.Actual boost is displayed from thiszero point. Changes in ambientpressure, such as driving in mountainsand changing weather, will slightlychange the zero reading.Engine CoolantTemperature GaugeBase LevelUplevel Balanced ConfigurationThis gauge measures the enginecoolant temperature.While driving under normal operatingconditions, if the needle moves intothe red area, the engine is too hot.Pull off the road, stop the vehicle, andturn off the engine as soon aspossible.