INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 123Brake System WarningLightThe vehicle brake system consists oftwo hydraulic circuits. If one circuit isnot working, the remaining circuit canstill work to stop the vehicle. Fornormal braking performance, bothcircuits need to be working.If the warning light comes on, there isa problem with the braking system.Have the brake system inspectedimmediately.This light should come on brieflywhen the engine is started. If it doesnot come on then, have it fixed so itwill be ready to warn you if there is aproblem.If the light comes on and stays on,there is a basic braking systemproblem.{ WarningThe brake system might not beworking properly if the brakesystem warning light is on. Drivingwith the brake system warning lighton can lead to a crash. If the light isstill on after the vehicle has beenpulled off the road and carefullystopped, have the vehicle towed forservice.Parking Brake LightThe parking brake status light comeson when the parking brake is applied.If the light continues flashing afterthe parking brake is released, or whiledriving, there is a problem with theelectric parking brake system oranother system. A message may alsodisplay in the Driver InformationCentre (DIC). See Brake SystemMessages 0 136.If the light does not come on,or remains flashing, see your dealer.Service Electric ParkingBrake LightOn some vehicles the service electricparking brake light should come onbriefly when the vehicle is in ON/RUN. If it does not come on, have itfixed so it will be ready to warn ifthere is a problem. For vehicles withthe reconfigurable cluster, this lightmay not come on when the vehicle isin ON/RUN.