INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 107To set the clock display:1. Touch the SETTINGS screenbutton and touch Time and Date.2. Touch Clock Display and touchOFF or ON to turn the clockdisplay off or on.3. Touch } to go back to theprevious menu.Power SocketsPower Socket 12 Volt Direct CurrentAccessory power outlets can be usedto plug in electrical equipment, suchas a cell phone or MP3 player.The vehicle has three 12-voltaccessory power outlets on the centreconsole:. Inside the centre console storagein front of the armrest cover.. Inside the storage area under thearmrest cover.. Inside the storage area on the rearof the centre console, if equipped.These outlets are powered while thevehicle is in ON/RUN/START or ACC/ACCESSORY mode, or until the driverdoor is opened within 10 minutes ofturning off the vehicle.Lift the cover to access the accessorypower outlet.Certain electrical accessories may notbe compatible with the accessorypower outlet and could overload avehicle circuit breaker or adapter fuse.If overloaded, the circuit breaker willreset after all devices are disconnectedor if Retained Accessory Power (RAP)is turned off and then back on. SeeRetained Accessory Power (RAP) 0 196.Wait one minute to allow the circuitbreaker to reset before reconnectingdevices or turning RAP back on. If theproblem continues, the issue could bewithin your device. Try anotherknown good device to make sure thecircuit breaker is operating properly.If this does not resolve your problem,see your dealer.It is possible to replace the factorypower outlet with a cigar lighterreceptacle, if desired. This requires thefactory installed circuit breaker to bereplaced with a standard minifuse bythe dealer. A minifuse will not resetand will have to be replace if blown.CautionFailure to replace the circuitbreaker with the minifuse couldoverheat the cigar lighter anddamage the vehicle.Always unplug electrical equipmentwhen not in use and do not plug inequipment that exceeds the maximum15 amps rating.When adding electrical equipment,ensure that you follow the properinstallation instructions included withthe equipment. See Add-On ElectricalEquipment 0 245.CautionAdding any electrical equipment tothe vehicle may damage it or keepother components from working asthey should. The repairs would not(Continued)