Problem Recommended ActionIn auxiliary mode, thepicture moves or scrolls.Check the auxiliary inputconnections at bothdevices.The remote controldoes not work.Check to make sure thereis no obstruction betweenthe remote control andthe transmitter window.Check the batteries tomake sure they are notdead or installedincorrectly.After stopping the player,I push Play butsometimes the DVDstarts where I left offand sometimes at thebeginning.If the stop button waspressed one time, theDVD player resumesplaying where the DVDwas stopped. If the stopbutton was pressedtwo times the DVD playerbegins to play from thebeginning of the DVD.The auxiliary source isrunning but there is nopicture or sound.Check that the RSEvideo screen is in theauxiliary source mode.Check the auxiliaryinput connections atboth devices.Problem Recommended ActionSometimes the wirelessheadphone audio cutsout or buzzes.Check for obstructions,low batteries, receptionrange, and interferencefrom cellular telephonetowers or by using yourcellular telephone inthe vehicle.Check that theheadphones are oncorrectly using the L (left)and R (right) on theheadphones.I lost the remote and/orthe headphones.See your dealer/retailerfor assistance.The DVD is playing,but there is no pictureor sound.Check that the RSEvideo screen is sourcedto the DVD player.3-99