Temperature and Compass DisplayPress the on/off button, located on the far leftof the mirror face, to turn the compass/temperaturedisplay on or off.If the display reads CAL, the compass needsto be calibrated. For more information, see“Compass Calibration” following.To adjust between Fahrenheit and Celsius,do the following:1. Press and hold the on/off button until eithera flashing F or C appears.2. Press the button again to change the displayto the desired unit of measurement. Afterapproximately four seconds of inactivity,the new unit will be locked in and thecompass/temperature display will return.If an abnormal temperature reading is displayedfor an extended period of time, please see yourGM dealer. Under certain circumstances, a delayin updating the temperature is normal.Automatic Dimming Mirror OperationThe automatic dimming mirror function is turnedon automatically each time the ignition is started.To operate the automatic dimming mirror,do the following:1. Make sure the green indicator light, locatedto the left of the on/off button, is lit. If it is not,press and hold the on/off button until thegreen light comes on, indicating that the mirroris in automatic dimming mode.2. Turn off the automatic dimming mirror functionby pressing and holding the on/off button untilthe green indicator light turns off.2-49