Companion 1000/T Liquid Oxygen System Technical Manual3-2 Performance Verification B-701964-00 Rev. CPerform the following Liquid Leak Detector Test (Section 3.2.1) to determine if thereare any substantial leaks. After performing this procedure, if you feel there is anunacceptable amount of leakage, perform the Pressure Hold Test (Section 3.2.2) todetermine if the total leak rate is acceptable.3.2.1 Liquid Leak Detector TestPROCEDURE1. Set the flow control valve to 0 L/min (off).2. Warm, Empty Unit: Pressurize the Companion 1000/T Portable to approximately22 psig (152 kPa) with gaseous oxygen using the portable pressurizing setup andgaseous oxygen supply (Figure 3-1). Close the vent valve after pressurizing the unitand remove the pressurizing setup from the vent tube.Figure 3-1: Pressurizing the Companion 1000/T through the Vent CircuitConnect the test pressure gauge to the oxygen outlet barbed fitting and set the flowcontrol valve to the highest setting. Place the Companion 1000/T in the portable testfixture (Figure 3-2).You may perform the Liquid Leak Detector Test on units that contain liquidand/or gaseous oxygen.Test PressureGaugeP/N B-775270-00TubingP/N B-778214-00Vent TubeVent Valve OpenClampTeeP/N B-778211-00Adjustable 0-50 psig (0-345 kPa)Gaseous Oxygen SourcePortableTest FixtureP/N B-778202-00