HandscannerBCS 3600 ex series7 Connection /commissioning (qualifiedpersonnel)Subject to technical modificationsRevision A / 04/2019 71 / 1067.2.2 Connecting the USM to an HID deviceAll interfaces used on the USM (USB, RS232, RS422 and RS485) can be connected to an HID device.The prerequisite is a software wedge application on the PC / host using which the interface data canbe converted into USB-HID. Software wedge applications are not supplied by BARTEC, but they areavailable on the market (e.g. T-Wedge).7.2.3 Connecting the USM to a PLCAll used interfaces of the USM (USB, RS232, RS422 and RS485) can be connected to a PLC.There are a number of different manufacturers for SPS/PLC. The connection of a hand-held scannerdepends on the availability of an interface to the SPS/PLC and the ability of the SPS/PLC to processthe incoming data. The SPS/PLC must support the open ASCII protocol.There is no compatibility list.The following must be observed when connecting to a PLC:- What interfaces are available on the SPS/PLC? The USM supports the following interfaces.- USB-SPP (virtual serial interface)- RS232- RS422- RS485The SPS/PLC supports the open ASCII protocol.- What interface parameters are set on the SPS/PLC?All interconnected components must be set to the same parameters. Otherwise acommunication cannot function correctly or not at all.- Baud Rate- parity- Stop Bit- Data Bit- Hardware/Software HandshakingHow the data is processed at the SPS/PLC and what has to be set at the scanner is the responsibilityof the plant operator.For example, a serial interface has no intelligence of its own and cannot process incoming dataindependently. This means that the controller must monitor the serial interface and process incomingdata (read/write routine).An example project for scanner connection to a Siemens Simatic-S7 SPS/PLC is available on theBARTEC Support Download page.http://automation.bartec.de/indexE.htmContent:- Description with components used- Sample project for use as a project template