7 Connection /commissioning (qualifiedpersonnel)HandscannerBCS 3600 ex series68 / 106 Subject to technical modificationsRevision A / 04/20197 Connection / commissioning (qualified personnel)DANGERSpark formation when connecting a cable!Explosion. Always have cables connected by a qualified electrician. Only connect or disconnect a cable in the potentially explosive atmosphere when the cableis not connected to the power supply. If the cable cannot be disconnected from the power supply, only connect or disconnect thecable outside the potentially explosive atmosphere.7.1 Corded hand-held scanner BCS 3608ex-NI / BCS 3608ex-IS7.1.1 Connecting the connection cable to the hand-held scannerThe function is only guaranteed if the cables you connect for your configuration have been specifiedby BARTEC (see system overview, Chapter 15.2).1. Insert the connection cable completely in the hand-held scanner.2. Insert the plug until it lies flush with the surface of the hand-held scanner.3. Unscrew the Phillips screw on the safety lock.