3-17container Commandscontainer create mvolumeTo create a multilevel volume set, use the container createmvolume command. You can create the following types ofmultilevel volume sets: Volume set of stripe sets Volume set of mirror sets Volume set of RAID 5 arrays Volume set of volume setsNotesWhen creating a multilevel array of volume sets on a NetWareserver, you specify the container IDs (as described in theParameters section) for the arrays from which you want to createthe multilevel volume set. If NetWare is using any of these arrays,an appropriate message displays. This message indicates that oneor more of the arrays you specified is in use by NetWare. Themessage directs you to remove any NetWare volumes andpartitions from these arrays. You can then create a multilevel arrayof volume sets on a NetWare server.After you create a multilevel volume set you can run the listdevices command on the NetWare console to verify its creationand then create the necessary NetWare disk partitions andvolumes.For information on how to create partitions and volumes, see theappropriate NetWare documentation.Syntaxcontainer create mvolume [/label{=string}]{container} [{container}...]Parameters{container}Specifies the ID number (0 to 63) of the array from which youwant to create the multilevel volume set.