1-5IntroductionTo exit subcommand mode, press Enter. (You may have to pressEnter more than once to exit subcommand mode.) CLI-unique commandsFor NetWare systems, the following commands are unique tothe CLI in that you use these commands when accessing the CLIfrom the NetWare server console: open close exit toggle_more Comments—If the first non-blank character on a line in the CLIis an exclamation point (!), the rest of the line will be ignored.You can type comments after the exclamation point. This isparticularly useful in scripts where you want to comment outsections of code.Command SyntaxYou can enter only valid CLI commands at the command lineprompt.All commands use the following syntax:[class] action [object] [/switch1[=value1][/switch2[=value2]...]] [parameter1 [parameter2...]]The CLI syntax uses the following conventions:ClassCLI commands are grouped according to class. Classes currentlysupported include array, controller, diagnostic, disk, logfile, task,and enclosure and are required except in subcommand mode.[text] The text element within brackets is optional.{type} The type specified within braces is the value type(for example, boolean, integer, string, and so on).parameter{type} The parameter defined by the value type.[text...] Two or more text elements.