STEP 3: Test the remote commandsAt the guest@% prompt, type play. Diskus should beginplaying the disk. Type stop to stop playback. (See Section4 – Ethernet & SCSI for other commands.)STEP 4: Log out of the DiskusAt the guest@% prompt, type logout. This returns you tothe % prompt.File Transfers Between the Workstation and DiskusYou can copy video frames or fields between the workstation andDiskus as files.NOTE: The following examples assume the Diskushost name is "diskus." If it is not, substitute thecorrect host name for diskus.YUV File TransfersTo copy a frame or field on Diskus to a YUV file in your currentdirectory on the workstation, enter this command at theworkstation % prompt:rcp diskus:100 frame.yuvNOTE: You must have write permission for thecurrent workstation directory.This copies frame 100 to the file frame.yuv. The .yuv file nameextension is not required, but you may want to use it to help withfile management. If you do not specify an extension on the framenumber (100.yuv), the file copies in YUV file format by default.You can now copy the file back to Diskus. To copy a YUV file toa specified Diskus frame, enter this command at the workstation% prompt:rcp frame.yuv diskus:101This copies the file frame.yuv to frame 101. The .yuv file nameextension is not required, but you may want to use it to help withfile management.Diskus Operations Ethernet9100-0217-02 - SEP 95 Getting Started 2-21